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Science and Arts, literature and communication

The Double DEC in Science and Arts, Literature and Communication offers students the possibility of taking both of the principle pre-university programs at the same time.

About the program

The Double DEC is a program that combines two pre-university programs. Because of the nature of the program and despite its length of three years, the Double DEC is a pre-university program that is not intended for integration into the job market.

Those who choose to pursue a Double DEC are typically interested in more than one field of study. Some students have not yet chosen their preferred course of study and select this program so that they may continue reflecting on their career direction while exploring the numerous disciplines covered during their college studies.

The Double DEC in Science and Arts, Literature and Communication offers students the possibility of taking both of the principle pre-university programs at the same time.

To be admissible to this program, applicants must meet the conditions of both pre-university programs that make up the Double DEC.

Available in 8 institutions

3 years

Double DCS

Establishments offering this program

Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Courses offered in French)


Student apartments available

Collège d'Alma


Cégep de Lévis (Courses offered in French)


Student apartments available

Offered to international students

Champlain – St. Lawrence College


Offered to international students