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Corporate training,
it opens doors

Rencontre en entreprise
Services aux entreprises formation sur mesure

The training and business services offered by CEGEPs allow you to continuously improve the skill levels of your employees and enhance the quality of their work. Available throughout Quebec, CEGEP training and business services will help your company stand out and position itself advantageously against the competition. With close to 2,500 à la carte training courses, including more than 100 college certifications, and a multitude of complementary skills development services, CEGEPs can definitely contribute to the performance and growth of your company, and thus enable you to reach a higher level.

Benefits of CEGEP corporate training and services

Training with a proven track record

Whatever your company’s needs and business goals, CEGEPs offer a diversity of training programs that cover a wide range of activity sectors: nearly 2,500 à la carte certificate courses or professional development certificate programs that have already proven their worth to many Quebec companies, and more than 100 college certification courses attesting to competency integration.

Made-to-measure training and services

Do you have specific needs? With the CEGEP network, you will have access to personalized training as well as a host of complementary services (training plans, mentoring and business co-development, placement of qualified staff and trainees, etc.) designed to meet the needs of your business, regardless of its sector of activity.

A specialized skills development network at your fingertips

Located in all regions of Quebec and with the ability to work together, the CEGEP Business Services Centres can also offer comprehensive turnkey services at all stages of a skills development program for your managers and their teams. As a public service, their rates are affordable, competitive and backed by over 50 years of expertise.

My CEGEP journey

Not sure where to start? In a few easy steps, we can steer you towards training programs that match the needs of your company.

College certification: responding quickly to current and emerging labour market needs

CEGEP Business Services offer a wide range of non-curricular training programs, some of which lead to “college certifications” to provide a more flexible and personalized response to the skills enhancement and retraining needs of the job market. These programs range from short to very short; they are standardized, specific, agile and offer a guarantee of quality and results that are traceable and measurable. In effect, since CEGEPs carry out an official evaluation and archive the results, they can certify skill acquisition to any current or future employer, unlike other training programs that only confirm attendance. In fact, college certifications help businesses, workers and the adult population who are in a position to move into the workforce achieve tangible results in improving and expanding their competencies, enabling them to quickly respond to current and emerging labour market needs.

RAC process: facilitating staff mobility and retention

Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC) is a simple and personalized process that can be completed at the person’s own pace and, most importantly, it spares them from having to relearn what they already know. An integral part of continuing education, its goal is to lead to a recognized diploma, either an Attestation of College Studies (ACS) or a Diploma of College Studies (DCS). If your employees already possess skills, ensure that they obtain an appropriate certifying diploma. This will greatly increase mobility and retention opportunities within your company.

Find out more

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This FAQ will provide you with a wealth of useful information on corporate training. Take a moment to check it out before contacting a CEGEP; you will be better informed if you do.

How do I quickly develop or enhance the skills of my staff?

By contacting Business Services of a CEGEP directly, depending on the program you choose. If in doubt, the CEGEP will be able to advise you on appropriate training programs or the complementary services you should explore.

What is a “training plan”?

CEGEP Business Services offer customized training and apprenticeship programs that are specifically designed for the context and needs of a particular company. Business Services will first look at past problems and the company’s requirements; then, in conjunction with the company, they will define recommended approaches based on the achievement of competencies and measurable results. A training plan and adapted tools will be designed so that, at the end of the process, the individuals targeted by the approach will receive a recognized qualification attesting to their upgraded competencies and, consequently, to the company’s productivity.

Are you looking to change career paths?

Visit the Continuing education section of this site to learn about training programs and pathways that can help you achieve your goals.

Find a CEGEP

Find one of the public colleges in any region of Quebec.