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Cannabis Production and Processing

This program trains people to ensure the quality and safety of cannabis-derived products. The work of a cannabis production and processing specialist is part of a continuum that starts with monitoring young plant maturation, continues through raw material preparation, crude oil extraction and production of dried products to preparation of the purified oil.

About the program

On completion of this course, you will be able to:

- Prepare fresh and dried material

- Control growing conditions and monitor the ripening process of the young plants

- Perform cannabis oil extractions

- Manage processes designed to denature or destroy production residues

- Apply best laboratory and production practices

- Contribute to ensuring the integrity and quality of cannabis processes, tests and products

- Ensure that the regulatory framework is enforced at all times

Graduates work in diverse work settings and contexts such as private companies, industries, businesses, government or private inspection services, in greenhouses, in production rooms for dried or fresh products, in processing laboratories and in the preparation room for products that will be marketed.

Condition of admission

Les conditions d'admission et la procédure d'inscription varient d'un cégep à l'autre pour les formations menant à une AEC.

Vous devez cependant vous attendre à devoir fournir certains documents tels que : un certificat de naissance, des preuves de scolarité (diplômes d’études secondaires, collégiales, etc.), des relevés de notes, une évaluation comparative ou des diplômes étrangers (si applicable), un curriculum vitae (CV), etc.

Pour les personnes nées à l’extérieur du Canada, vous devrez fournir une preuve de citoyenneté canadienne ou de résidence permanente.

Pour connaitre tous les détails à propos de la formation consultée, visitez le site Web des établissements qui l'offrent en vous aidant des informations qui apparaissent plus bas dans cette page.

Attestation of College Studies (ACS)